....To compare and discuss your PV array

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What is solarpower4.me.uk? We’ve all seen how many UK houses and businesses now have solar PV panels on their roofs and may have wondered if they will ever work out to be economic here in gloomy old Briney? The site is aimed at existing owners of PV systems in the UK who have installed a system under the Feed In Tariff scheme (FIT) to enable them to track their output. In simplest terms it is a free place to store your UK based PV generation readings, to monitor KWh and FIT earnings and compare them with the average figures graphically using colours. There is resource included to enable you to calculate your expected power generation based on your location and climate data, or to link to other monitoring systems. The simplest way to start to add data is by adding a daily output or meter reading. Data can also be uploaded using smart technology (in testing at present). There is also a forum included for members to use for sharing information and experiences. There are varied reasons people invest in such systems but the idea of getting a significant part of your electrical power for free and reducing carbon emissions has to be high up the list. Many owners of such systems are looking for more ways to utilise their surplus output or to monitor it remotely. Some people are already using their spare output to heat their hot water tank. With advances in technology and falling prices it is even becoming viable to use the surplus power generated to power the latest EV vehicles. Not in my lifetime? Think again!
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Note this site is not linked to any renewable energy company


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